At Lakefield College School, Chapel represents a place for our community to learn and grow from the experiences of our local and global community; a space for our community to address religious intolerance and to promote curiosity, compassion and peaceful resolution to conflict. Our Chapel program endeavours to reflect and respond to the current spiritual needs of our diverse cultural community. Anglicanism, rooted in scripture, reason and tradition, embraces interfaith (including non-religious) dialogue and creates a wonderful opportunity for a community like LCS to share and learn about the diverse religious and spiritual traditions of our world.
Guided by the Director of Spiritual Wellness and Diversity Lorraine Brown, Lakefield College School's Spiritual Pathways program recognizes the diversity of our community by engaging students in conversations aimed at bringing a deeper awareness of who we are as individuals. As a school that supports cultural pluralism, we seek to help our students see themselves as bridge-builders and to recognize that they are curious to learn about the practices of those sitting behind them, beside them, in front of them; that they see themselves in everyone around them.
As a values-based community, it is incumbent upon LCS to ensure that students are provided with the opportunity to explore a diversity of values and ethics from a variety of belief systems and religious traditions. In this way, we are encouraging our students to actively engage in our mission, “To challenge and enable students to reach their individual potential, in mind, body and spirit” by helping to create an understanding and empathy for world traditions and foster a greater measure of peace in our world.