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LCS Leave

The “LCS Leave” app was designed by Vincent Cloutier ’22 and it allows students to request evening and weekend leave from their Head of House (HoH) without requiring them to find their HoH in person. The app includes a timer to help students avoid missing their deadline for returning to campus and GPS-based check-ins so that the HoH can see that students are back on campus in a timely manner.
LCS Leave
An app designed to facilitate communication between students and Heads of Houses regarding permission to leave the campus.

Features include:
  • Instant approval for town leave
  • Gentle reminders to return to campus when time runs short on your leave

Privacy Policy
Location data is used only to determine if you are physically present on campus at LCS when requesting a new leave from campus or ending an active leave.

Your location data is not saved by the app nor transmitted to the school or any other entity.

Your name and email address are transmitted to an online database that is maintained by Lakefield College School. This data is used for determining which students are currently on an active leave. Your name, email address, and the timing of your leave from campus are also saved for future use in statistical summaries.
If you have any questions or concerns about the app, please contact the support team at lcsapps@lcs.on.ca

School Information

4391 County Road 29, Lakefield Ontario K0L 2H0   705.652.3324   admissions@lcs.on.ca


Lakefield College School is a private, coeducational boarding and day school for students in grades 9 through 12, located in Lakefield, Ontario, Canada.

We respectfully acknowledge that Lakefield College School is located on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.
Lakefield College School respectfully acknowledges that the Williams Treaties First Nations are the stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters in perpetuity and that they continue to maintain this responsibility to ensure their health and integrity for generations to come.

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