“It is unbelievable as a Chinese student in a boarding school in Canada to celebrate the Chinese New Year, but LCS did it!” – Selena Yang ’21
On a cold and rainy Sunday evening, February 3, the LCS community gathered to celebrate the Lunar New Year with our second annual Chinese Food and Culture Festival. Despite the unfavourable weather, our hearts were warm and our bellies were full! The Festival was created with two main goals in mind: to help share the rich history of Chinese food and culture with the LCS community, and to help give our Chinese students who come from so far away, an authentic taste of home. Last year’s festival involved 100 students, and one of the goals of this year’s event was to be able to accommodate even more. Remarkably, over 180 students participated in the Festival, in addition to staff, volunteers, and parents who visited from as far as Beijing!
The Festival began with a traditional dumpling-making workshop in the OE Kitchen. Thirty students participated, making somewhere between 600 and 800 dumplings which were enjoyed at dinner. Selena Yang ’21 also contributed by making traditional chicken wings from a family recipe. (They were delicious, and did not make it to dinner!) Next, students had the opportunity to hear traditional music while participating in various Chinese games. Upper and Lower Hadden Hall had been transformed with many intricate decorations by student volunteers, and additionally, a wonderful video compiled by Maxwell Lu ’21 offered valuable LCS student perspectives on the New Year, as well as many different insights into Chinese culture.
Dinner started with a ‘bang’ – a simulation of traditional fireworks, cleverly created by popping hundreds of balloons. The meal was a veritable feast, with numerous dishes – the hand-made dumplings, traditional fried duck, beef, chicken, fish, fried vegetables, fried rice, and several noodle dishes. A variety of fruit juices, cold teas washed down the food, with fresh fruit, pastries, and traditional desserts.
It is safe to say that the 2019 Festival was a tremendous success, and we look forward to next year! Events like the Chinese Food and Culture Festival highlight exactly how special we are to be part of the LCS Community. Moments shared like this provide the opportunity for students to learn from each other in ways that go beyond the walls of classrooms. It was wonderful to see so many students, staff, and family members experiencing these traditions and it was heartwarming to hear our Chinese students say how happy and at home they felt.
“Seeing all the people dropping by at the dumpling making workshop, I was so happy to be able to share my culture and some family stories with everyone who was excited to learn. This is my fourth year celebrating Chinese New Year away from my family, and this event made me feel more like being at home. I really appreciate all the parents and staff members' effort to make this event happen.” – Amy Qian ’19
“I was really touched to see the parents organizing the LCS Chinese New Year event, they are all amazingly nice. When I talk with them, the way they looked at me and asking how I am have reminded me of my Mom. Their selfless contribution has truly made my foreign Chinese New Year meaningful. The event is only possible with their participation. Thank you, all the parents!” – Chloe Hsu ’19
“This is the second annual LCS Chinese Food and Culture Festival. As a Chinese student at LCS, I'm very glad to have a chance to celebrate our very own Chinese Spring Festival, and spread our culture all around the world. We have organized a lot of Chinese traditional folk games, a traditional art showcase, and most importantly, we have set up a lot of truly authentic Chinese foods. A big shout out to our Chinese parents: Amy, Cathy, Melody, Mary, Jenny, Jasmine and Rona, we could never host this festival without our wonderful Chinese community!” – Maxwell Lu ’21
This event would not be possible without the support of many individuals. Special recognition must be made for the efforts of our tireless parent volunteers; Amy Gao, Cathy Zhang, Melody Wong, Mary Zhang, Jenny Tai, Jasmine Zhang, and Rona Wu. Maxwell Lu ’21 was a strong leader in coordinating student volunteers. Additional thanks must go to the Aramark staff, LCS Maintenance Staff, Garret Hart and Jen Horrigan for their invaluable contributions. Last, but certainly not least, this event is entirely supported through the generous support of donors. Their financial support has given a tremendous gift to our community. Thank you to the following families:
Amy Qian's Family, Angel Huang's Family, Caroline Chen's Family, Caroline Liao's Family, Chloe Hu's Family, Chris Peng's Family, Echo Li's Family, Edward Chen's Family, Ellie Wang's Family, Eric Xia's Family, Eric Zang's Family, Iris Chen's Family, Isabelle Mao's Family, Jason Chen's Family, Jason Liu's Family, Jason Pan's Family, Jeff Zheng's Family, Jennifer Yang's Family, Jesse Zhang's Family, Jessie Zhu's Family, Joe Huang's Family, Juniper Lai's Family, Justy Lin's Family, Kelly Wang's Family, Leo Lu's Family, Matt Zhang's Family, Maxwell Lu's Family, Peter Zhang's Family, Rachel Xu's Family, Sam Chen's Family, Selena Yang's Family, Shirley Li's Family, Sihan Chen's Family, Victoria Li's Family, Vivien Lu's Family, Wellesley Yu's Family, Yaming Cheng's Family.
Photos supplied by Shell Zhao ’19, Amy Gao (Maxwell Lu’s mother), Adam Bishop ’04
“中国学生在加拿大的寄宿学校里能过上一个这样热闹的中国新年,我简直无法相信。然而,LCS做到了”!– Selena Yang ’21
节日庆祝的活动从新年传统包饺子开始。在OE厨房里,三十多个学生边学边做,包了600-800个饺子,成为晚宴时最受欢迎的美食。Selena Yang ’21还现场制作了家传秘制配方的卤鸡翅 。(鸡翅太美味了,刚一烧好就被试吃完了,根本没来得及端上餐桌 !)接下来,学生们一边听着传统中国新年音乐,一边兴致勃勃地玩着各项中国传统游戏。学生志愿者们把Hadden Hall楼上楼下装饰一新,年味十足。Maxwell Lu ’21还专门制作了精彩的贺岁视频,学生们表达了对新年的喜悦和祝福。
“看到同学们都来学习包饺子,我很开心与他们分享中国的传统文化和我们家的习俗。这是我离家在外的第四个新年,能够这样过年让我觉得就像在家过年。感谢家长和老师的付出,让给我们在学校过新年”。– Amy Qian ’19
“家长们费心组织了LCS中国新年活动让我由衷感动,她们是那么的友善热心。和她们讲话的时候,她们看着我的眼神还有对我关爱的问候让我想到了我的妈妈。她们无私的付出让我在异国他乡的新年过得很有意义。正是有了这些义工妈妈,才有了今天的节日。谢谢你们,所有的爸爸妈妈们!” – Chloe Hsu ’19
“这是第二届中华美食文化节。作为LCS的一名中国学生,我非常开心有机会与同学们一起欢庆中国新年,传播中国传统文化。我们组织了许多有趣的传统游戏,展示了中国传统工艺品,更重要的是,我们还准备了地道的美味中餐。让我们向这些志愿者家长大声致谢:Amy, Cathy, Melody, Mary, Jenny, Jasmine and Rona。感谢LCS中国大家庭,让我们有机会欢庆新年!” – Maxwell Lu ’21
这次活动的圆满举办离不开每个人的支持。让我们衷心感谢那些不辞辛劳的志愿者家长:Amy Gao, Cathy Zhang, Melody Wong, Mary Zhang, Jenny Tai, Jasmine Zhang, and Rona Wu。Maxwell Lu ’21在组织学生志愿者的工作中表现出卓越的领导力。感谢Aramark员工,LCS后勤员工,还有Garret Hart和Jen Horrigan的无私奉献。最后,再次感谢为此次活动慷慨捐赠的家长们,你们的捐款是给LCS大家庭的一份丰厚馈赠。感谢以下中国家庭:
Amy Qian's Family, Angel Huang's Family, Caroline Chen's Family, Caroline Liao's Family, Chloe Hu's Family, Chris Peng's Family, Echo Li's Family, Edward Chen's Family, Ellie Wang's Family, Eric Xia's Family, Eric Zang's Family, Iris Chen's Family, Isabelle Mao's Family, Jason Chen's Family, Jason Liu's Family, Jason Pan's Family, Jeff Zheng's Family, Jennifer Yang's Family, Jesse Zhang's Family, Jessie Zhu's Family, Joe Huang's Family, Juniper Lai's Family, Justy Lin's Family, Kelly Wang's Family, Leo Lu's Family, Matt Zhang's Family, Maxwell Lu's Family, Peter Zhang's Family, Rachel Xu's Family, Sam Chen's Family, Selena Yang's Family, Shirley Li's Family, Sihan Chen's Family, Victoria Li's Family, Vivien Lu's Family, Wellesley Yu's Family, Yaming Cheng's Family.